Protect your goods from theft with mesh security doors

If you don't protect your goods it is likely it will cost you time and money, which is a drain on profits. With a large inventory shrinkage (theft) the profits will reduce. This results in the costs to the customer going up, which could make you uncompetitive. And if unchecked, this spiral increases and could threaten the viability of the business.


According to the 2008 National Retail Security Survey conducted at the University of Florida shrinkage rate of 1.51% translates into $36.3 billion in annual loss ($15.5 billion to employee theft and $12.9 billion to shoplifters). Theft, both internal and external to the company, continues to be the driving force behind retail inventory shrinkage, at 78.3% of all shrink in 2008. Of that portion, 42.7% is attributed to employee (also known as Internal) theft and 35.6% was due to due external theft, (known as shoplifting.)

The result is that all businesses and organisations especially manufacturers, retailers, hoteliers and e- commerce companies are looking for ways to reduce shrinkage.

Protecting goods with lockable doors on your racking and shelving helps in this quest.

Mesh security doors can be standard or made to measure. Doors can be fitted to a single rack or part of a combination of mesh applications such as mesh partitions and anti-collapse systems to protect an entire area.

In conclusion the installation of security mesh doors to new or existing storage systems is a cost effective, easy to install and offers a real return on your investment in the fight to reduce shrinkage

OfficeSTOR can provide a affordable solution taylored to your requirement.  

Please call 01480-458443 for a free quote. 

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01480 458443