STOP SHRINKAGE it costs you money
On Average Businesses suffer losses of 5% due to shrinkage which is a real concern to business profitability
OfficeSTOR Limited secure shelving can help.
What do we mean by shrinkage ? Its does not refer to clothes feeling a bit tight after being left in the hot cycle in the spin dryer.
Its means thief of goods from businesses. Thief carried out by customers but also more worryingly from with in. People who work for the organization who see taking something as a unearned peek of the job. Very concerning for businesses as it is long term thief and it can increase if it is not stopped. This is particularly so in mobile phone and electronic companies.
Its always been there and is in businesses big and small. But how can we stop this rise ? The answer is safeguards on many fronts, such as secure guards, cameras, clothing and locker checks, even spot checks in employees lunch boxes!! OfficeSTOR is helping do its bit to curb shrinkage with its secure mesh shelving.
Simply it is shelving with mesh kits all round with lockable mesh doors. It it makes an open shelf into a security cage, it can be also combined with mesh partitions and doors which OfficeSTOR Limited also supply and install.
See our web site for more details or call Dave Cartwright on (07948 2469690 for a free survey and quote.
After all the price of shrinkage is not FREE, we all pay for it in higher prices !
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For all enquiries, call our sales team on
01480 458443